Mardi Gras by Sandy Switzer

Honorable Mention, Non-Professional Non-Original with Instruction

This is a Sue Reed design that was taught at ANG 2017 Seminar in New Orleans. I took the class with Sue and did not change any of the design. I decided to have the piece finished into a pillow so it can be admired every day.

The class description of the piece is as follows: A multi-layered composite woven wheel pattern with its playful colors creates the center of Mardi Gras. From the center and radiating outward to the border are four zigzag bands that help to set up the four rectangular areas filled with patterns. The stitches used in the rectangular areas allow for light play and movement, color and texture. The two border stitches create a quiet edging while providing some monochromatic texture

Stitches used are layered lattice, woven, slanted Gobelin, alternating scotch variation, diagonal mosaic, long-armed Greek cross, twisted stars (plain and multicolored), alternating cashmere blocks, diagonal mosaic, Sprat’s head, 2×2 cross couching over braid, and beading.