
Honors is a research opportunity for those interested in exploring some subject that pertains to the needlearts. The research is to be done on an advanced academic level, something comparable to a doctoral dissertation or at least a master’s level thesis.

The requirements are few but demanding. The program is open only to certified needlework teachers and judges. One must choose a subject of scholarly nature, and it must be approved by the NAN Board of Directors. The candidate must then research it in depth, write a scholarly paper recounting the results of her/his research, and draw a conclusion if appropriate. One must make quarterly reports to the Director of Education, letting her know that the work is ongoing. One must also stitch a project that reflects the research (click on any image below to view a slide show of past Honors projects). Five years are allowed to complete Honors. Twenty three people have completed Honors. Click here for a complete list.

When all is complete, the candidate must make an oral presentation of at least an hour to the members of the Academy at Assembly. Finally, the candidate must present a copy of her/his dissertation  and stitched piece to NAN for inclusion in its Permanent Collection housed at the Gregg Museum of Art & Design at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC.

Maybe you have a subject you are interested in, or are passionate about. Maybe it would be the perfect thing for Honors. For more information, contact the NAN Director of Education.