Rescent by Kurdy Biggs

1st Place, The Exemplary Challenge 2018

Rescent, short for “Rose Crescent Angel,” is a study of Crescent stitches on Rose Gold painted canvas. When the NAN challenge was announced I had in mind a small angel for a one-day class, and, well, Rescent just kept growing on my computer! Rescent is brought to life using a stitch library consisting mostly of variations of the Crescent stitch, along with Jessicas, Mistakes, and Plaited Ray stitches. In keeping with the shimmery images of angels in my mind, Rescent is stitched with an array of lustrous threads that include Soie Perlee, Petite Silk Lamé Braid, Elegance silks, Petite Very Velvet and Accentuate, Kreinik, and Treasure Braid metallics. Rescent is embellished with crystals and beads to make her glimmer like the angel she is.