2025 is NAN’s 40th year! To celebrate this Ruby Anniversary, NAN is issuing a special challenge.

Oh, the Ruby! A red that sparkles! A name that glows! Shoes that make you wish to dance! A gemstone that sparkles with the stars.

We invite you to use the ruby as inspiration for a stitched design that expresses your love of stitching and enter it in the 2025 Exemplary! Here are the guidelines:

  • Any entry within the Original or Adaptation categories that meets the theme of the challenge is welcome to compete in this special Exemplary category.
  • Your stitched design can be real, collage, posterized, or abstract, in any technique.
  • If two-dimensional, mat and frame with screw eyes and braided wire, ready to hang. Please, no sawtooth hangers. Any other technique should be finished ap-propriately for proper display of that subject.
  • Do not forget your Artist Statement describing what what inspired you and how you developed your piece.

Together, let’s stitch the legacy of the past 40 years and create something beautiful for the future. Bring on your Ruby Red creation of brilliant crimson fire…whether you’re a seasoned artist or a passionate beginner, we can’t wait to see your amazing creation!