Five Myths About NAN Assembly and The Exemplary 

NAN Assembly isn’t really a needlework seminar. At NAN Assembly you’ll find the familiar elements of other national needlework seminars – most notably lectures and classes by nationally known teachers, an outstanding exhibition of needlework (The Exemplary), a merchandise night, access to local needlework shops, and tours of local artistic attractions. But of course, the most important thing you’ll find is camaraderie with like-minded needle art enthusiasts, just as you would at any national seminar. 

NAN Assembly is only for needlework teachers. The overwhelming majority of Assembly attendees stitch for their own enjoyment, are there to learn and take classes, and are not (or have no intent to become) needlework teachers. Teachers’ and Judges’ Certification candidates attend a workshop prior to Assembly as part of their training, but it is separate from Assembly classes. What’s nice about Assembly is that the classes are generally small, so you’ll have more opportunity to interact with knowledgeable teachers than might otherwise be the case. 

Check out class offerings at the next NAN Assembly. All are welcome!

The Detroit area in March is too wintery. Troy is warmer than you’d think in March, with an average high of 46 degrees! This part of Michigan is far from frigid. Birds are singing, spring flowers are popping up, and there are gentle rain showers. Besides, you’re not coming to Assembly to sit at a beach; you’re there to treat yourself to uninterrupted stitching time, to reconnect with old friends, and to make new ones. The hotel and staff are so welcoming that you won’t even want to venture out! But if you do, you’ll find world-class shopping and dining nearby – and you’ll have friends to share it with!

My work isn’t good enough to exhibit in The Exemplary and besides, only NAN members can enter. Works in The Exemplary are submitted by stitchers at all levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced. Many stitchers submit works throughout their needlework journey, and their development provides inspiration to all needleworkers – especially those just starting out. There’s always something that creates an “aha!” moment. One needn’t be a member of NAN to enter your needlework – in fact, this year’s Best of Show winner isn’t a member and wasn’t registered for Assembly!

Only NAN-certified teachers are hired to teach at NAN Assembly. Each year, NAN solicits class proposals from needlework teachers throughout the nation. The submissions are evaluated by the Board and a slate of classes is selected based on the educational experience they offer stitchers rather than the certification held by the proposing teacher. At NAN Assembly, you’ll find teachers, certified or not, from across the nation – and even a few international ones!