By the Light of the Silvery Moon by Toni Gerdes

The Exemplary 2024
Honorable Mention, Professional Original

On a cold winters night the silvery moon shines over the snowy landscape in this design, By the Light of the Silvery Moon. The earth is blanketed by the various shades and shadows that the moon creates on the snow.

The large evergreen tree in the foreground of this design is fashioned with a beautiful green batik fabric applique with highlights in metallic from the glow of the moon. The stitches that create the snow are varied and explore details to create depth in the snow. I did this by having larger, more detailed stitches in the foreground with smaller, less detailed stitches, as you move back in the design. Also, several whites were used with blues & greens to distinguish the areas.

A beautiful pewter moon button was added to shine light on the background cabin on this wintery evening. There is a slight yellow glow coming from the cabin which was created by appliqueing Flair over the windows. Flair was also used, unraveled, to create the smoke from the chimney.

Threads include wools, wool blends, Glisten, Silk Lame’ Brain, several stranded silks, and more to produce the many complex stitches for the snowy landscape. This design is stitched on 18ct light blue mono canvas.