A Needleart Judge’s Reference

This unique publication is a concise reference for judges as well as a guide for needle artists at all skill levels seeking to improve their expertise. More than 15 NAN-certified judges collaborated to make the book possible. For each of the techniques discussed, a brief background is provided, including history, distinguishing features, materials employed, and a list of qualities for which judges look. Also included are sections on non-technique considerations and logistical issues for judges. Published in 2013 and revised in 2021, A Needleart Judge’s Reference is approximately 60 pages and includes a bibliography. To purchase the book, download the order form here.

Contents include:

Considerations for Judges

✴ Ethics and Responsibilities
✴ Color
✴ Design
✴ Matting/Framing and Finishing Techniques


✴ Introduction
✴ Assisi Embroidery
✴ Beadwork
✴ Blackwork Embroidery
✴ Bobbin Lace
✴ Canvaswork Embroidery
✴ Crewel Embroidery
✴ Cross Stitch Embroidery
✴ Cutwork Embroidery
✴ French Hand Sewing
✴ Gold Work Embroidery

✴ Hardanger Embroidery
✴ Japanese Embroidery
✴ Machine Embroidery
✴ Mixed Media
✴ Needle Lace
✴ Pulled/Drawn Threadwork
✴ Quilting
✴ Ribbon Embroidery
✴ Smocking
✴ Stumpwork/Raised Work
✴ Surface Embroidery
✴ Whitework Embroidery

Other Skills and Considerations

✴ Writing A Critique
✴ Artist Statement
✴ Organizing A Needleart Exhibit Or Show
✴ Using Technology To Jury Entries
✴ Judging Systems And Approaches
✴ The Judging Contract
✴ Judging The Children’s Category
